‘Tis the Fireworks and Thunderstorm Season
As I write this we are having a humongous thunder and lightening rainstorm. Some hail is pounding down as well. Wind is whipping the tree branches to and fro and streams of water are running down the driveway.
For humans and animals alike, powerful thunder and lightning and heavy rains can be upsetting and trauma producing.
Our local animal shelter is located very close to the area where the community fire works are ignited each 4th of July. This causes a massive amount of stress for the cats and dogs living there. Many of the volunteers who donate their time throughout the year also spend the holiday night comforting terrified animals.
Domestic animals including horses and llamas who live near a gun firing range also recoil from the sudden sharp sounds. Don’t forget to help them.
We suggest using THUNDER STORMS, EMOTIONAL STABILITY AND CALMING SOLUTION. Most animals do well with the first two but some benefit from using the CALMING SOLUTION as well.
In caring for our dog Cinnamon, we gave her a few drops each of EMOTIONAL STABILITY and THUNDER STORMS in her bowl of drinking water prior to the thunderous season.
Every time she lapped the water up she got a dose and she did that at least 4 times a day, which is our suggested dosage amount. We found she would sometimes be fearless and comfortable for a year or more and then suddenly show signs of fear again. So we just repeated the procedure.
You can use these flower essence formulas right at the time of the storm or fireworks celebration but animals can be spared the fearful traumatic state if you are able to begin using them prior to the events.